Pictures Of Herpes Of Da Nose Do You Think Kids Should Be Shown Pictures Of Genitals Infected With Herpes To Discourage Illicit Sex?

Do you think kids should be shown pictures of genitals infected with herpes to discourage illicit sex? - pictures of herpes of da nose

Hell yes.
Fear is good to talk a lot more powerful.


babyshoe... said...

depends on the age of the children and their maturity and understanding.
for younger, 1-10)? certainly not

chrissy2... said...

As a health counselor, I show pictures of genitalia infected by sexually transmitted diseases are not prevented but for the sexual activity. After about sex, it's your decision whether to participate in sexual activity or not (and I say this). That's not my decision, and I'm not there to make their choice - to ensure only that they, before they inform such decisions. Do not show any pictures of the shock value, either. I can not explain verbally what is an outbreak of something like that. Frankly, there's a picture worth a thousand words. I can explain the blisters, painful red graphic detail, but if you have seen, there is no better way to view images. Even with the bumps syphilitic same yellow discharge associated with gonorrhea and chlamydia. What teachers want their students to really understand the concept they are trying to teach, not use the images to which topic?

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