Pictures Of Genital Warts Does Anyone Know A Good Website To Veiw Pictures Of Genital Warts?

Does anyone know a good website to veiw pictures of genital warts? - pictures of genital warts

My friend is a fall he found there, and I compare with the pictures, but they find Arent enough to be worried shes asked me for help and I thought Yahoo Answers. Thank you for your help!


Jen said...


As for the pictures of warts will not help your friend, because even some doctors hard to distinguish between Contagiosum in the HPV warts, molluscum, syphilis, or even have a visual inspection. The best way would be to go to a sex clinic and have an expert check it out.

sa_2006 said...

Google Images

michelle said...

Check out the pictures from Google. unless she was sexually active but have no reason to worry, too. Who may be allergic to something, and came into contact with him. I had a stroke there once, and has other problems.

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